County government includes those standing and special citizen boards, commissions, committees and task forces formed to advise the Board of Supervisors and County staff on issues, policy and to serve as links to the community. County committees are created as a result of State and Federal legislation, agreements with public or private agencies, and local needs. Boards, Commissions and Committees advise Board of Supervisors on issues relating to the welfare and quality of life in the County. They provide an inter-relationship between the citizenry of the County and the government of the County.
Citizen Advisory Committees range from short-term task oriented to long-term standing committees with broad based jurisdictional responsibilities. There are committees for health and human services, criminal justice, elderly, planning, land use, parks, libraries, housing, and others.
The Board of Supervisors appoints Solano County residents to serve as a Board Member/Commissioner on a volunteer basis. The Boards/Commissions are responsible for reviewing a wide range of policy issues and program areas. An application must be completed and the applicant must represent the constituency identified for the commission vacancy. Please be aware that all information disclosed in the Board/Commission application is subject to public disclosure.
If you have an interest in a specific board or commission or need further information about the process, please contact the Clerk of the Board’s Office at (707) 784-6100. If you are interested in applying for a Board, Commission or Committee, please mail or drop off a completed application (application below) to the Clerk of the Board at 675 Texas, Suite 6500, Fairfield, CA 94533.
To determine the Supervisorial District in which you reside click here.
Board or Committee Application:
If a specific application is not required by the Board or Committee you would like to apply for, please use the general application below:
Certain Board or Committee vacancies require a specific application, please use the appropriate application below when applying for these vacancies: