Dear residents of Solano County -
We are pleased to report that 2014 was a year of significant accomplishments.
It is safe to say that 2014 was a year of significant accomplishments. When it comes to the health, safety and wellbeing of our community, we’re proud to say that we are making things happen – creating opportunities for Solano County residents to live, work, learn, play and thrive.
2014 got off to a healthy start when we brought the CDA Cares dental clinic to Solano County. Our efforts provided more than 1,900 children and low-income adults with access to $1.5 million in free dental care. Additionally, our Health and Social Services Department successfully registered more than 25,000 residents with free and low-cost health insurance through Covered California – helping families gain much needed access to care.
2014 was a year of dedications and grand openings, and in some cases, re-grand openings. This summer we dedicated the new Stanton Correctional Facility, a state-of-the-art jail, designed to keep the community safe while providing inmates with the rehabilitative programs they need. We also celebrated with the courts the rededication of the Old Solano Courthouse. Built in 1911, the vacated facility received a much needed makeover, providing three additional courtrooms for the community.
2014 also tested the County’s ability to respond in an emergency situation. The South Napa Earthquake jolted us out of bed at 3:20 in the morning with a rumbling 6.0 magnitude. The County responded immediately by working state and federal agencies to secure the funding necessary to restore county facilities damaged by the quake. We also assisted local governments, ensuring the continuity of care for our residents.
Looking at the long list of accomplishments in 2014, we are proud to say that things continue to improve. Our budget continues to recover as we become a leaner, more efficient organization. Our commitment to providing Solano County residents with the programs and services they need gives them the ability to thrive where they live, work, learn and play.
Linda J. Seifert, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Birgitta E. Corsello, County Administrator
-fiscal responsibility-
Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2014/15
The Revenues by Source chart describes the sources of governmental funds used to finance the FY 2014/15 budget. The County’s single largest revenue source is intergovernmental revenue from the state and federal agencies, which are generally restricted dollars to fund the County’s implementation of state and federal programs. The General Fund Revenue chart provides information on the sources of funds used to finance County operations, including property taxes and intergovernmental revenue that come to the County without restrictions. The Spending Plan by Function chart shows where the County allocates its budget. Public Protection represents the single largest category of expenditures in both the total budget and Discretionary Spending.
Accolades for Excellence in Fiscal Reporting
For the 12th consecutive year the Government Finance Officers Association awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the County of Solano and the Auditor-Controller’s office for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.
-improving quality of life-
Putting Smiles Back in the Community
Solano County, in partnership with the California Dental Association (CDA) and CDA Cares Solano, hosted a two-day free dental clinic on April 25-26, 2014 at the Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo. A total of 1,901 dental and community volunteers provided 1,959 low-income children and adults with 10,655 dental procedures.
Providing Earthquake Assistance
Approximately half of Napa County’s Department of Child Support Services employees were temporarily relocated to Solano County after their office building was closed due to earthquake damage. In an effort to ensure continuation of services for Napa residents, a temporary worksite was established in Fairfield within 48 hours.
Helping Children Prepare for School
First 5 Solano helped 426 children at 20 school and childcare sites throughout the county gain access to pre-kindergarten academies. Three-quarters of all students had no prior preschool experience, and those who attended classes showed gains in social, emotional and cognitive improvements, helping them become ready for school.
Helping Children Prepare for School
First 5 Solano helped 426 children at 20 school and childcare sites throughout the county gain access to pre-kindergarten academies. Three-quarters of all students had no prior preschool experience, and those who attended classes showed gains in social, emotional and cognitive improvements, helping them become ready for school.
Promoting Healthy Habits for Families
Solano Public Health’s Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Program and Health Promotion and Community Wellness Bureau helped schools update their wellness policies and provided 50 nutrition education events that successfully reached more than 1,200 students and their parents, lowering their risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Helping Those in Poverty
In partnership with the Senior Coalition, the County hosted a series of poverty summits designed to identify and address the challenges seniors face when living in poverty, many of whom are women. The summits included seniors, government representatives, business leaders and individuals interested in collaborating to find solutions that address the issue of poverty in Solano County. Ideas emerged on ways to assist women and seniors with food, housing and medical concerns.
Celebrating 100 Years of Libraries
Solano County Library celebrated its 100 year anniversary with a kickoff event on April 5, 2014 at the County Events Center in Fairfield. On April 6, 1914, at a time when Solano County had about 27,000 people and almost as many cattle, the Solano County Board of Supervisors established the Solano County Free Library to provide access to all residents of the county. 2014 was a yearlong celebration at all eight county branches of the Solano County Library.
Vocational Training for Youth
In April 2014 the Juvenile Detention Facility opened an exciting new residential program, The Challenge Academy. The nine-month program for serious youthful offenders age 15-18 provides an intensive treatment regime along with educational and vocational training. The participants are able to regain a solid academic footing and will be provided supportive assistance and monitoring upon their release. The first cohort graduated Christmas Eve.
Making our Parks More Accessible
In 2014 Solano County increased the number of days many of its public parks are open to the public, significantly increasing the number of people who visit. In fact, more than 190,000 people visited a Solano County Park in 2014—a new record—and a nice way to celebrate 40 years of connecting children and families with nature.
Number 1 in Serving our Veterans
With approximately 40,000 veterans living in Solano County, we are proud to announce that Solano County is ranked number one in the state for the average compensation and pension dollars received per veteran. The average annual compensation is $3,767.
-investing for the future-
Award-Winning Public Facilities
Solano County was awarded the Public Project of the Year and People’s Choice Awards by the California Counties Architects and Engineers Association for the design of the William J. Carroll Government Center in Vacaville. As one of only three counties in the state to receive the prestigious awards, the facility was selected based on value and cost savings, community and employee enhancement, aesthetics, sustainability, innovation, creative funding and public-private partnerships.
New, Safer, High-Tech Jail Opens
Dedicated in 2014, the Stanton Correctional Facility, Solano County’s newest jail, includes state-of-the-art technologies that will allow staff to run a safe operation while expanding the number of rehabilitative programs for inmates. Designed as a maximum security jail, the 128,000 square foot facility has the capacity to house 363 inmates and is scheduled to open in early 2015.
Protecting the Public at the Gas Pump
Over the past several months the Agriculture, Weights and Measures Department has been hard at work replacing old equipment that in many cases was built in the 1960’s. The first project was to purchase a 100 gallon “J” Prover that will be used in testing high volume gasoline and diesel meters. The next item is a 100/25 gallon liquid petroleum gas (propane) Prover that will be used in testing propane delivery trucks and retail meters. The new equipment ensures the public receives the correct amount of fuel.
Makeover: Old Courthouse is “New” Again
After sitting vacant for many years, the Old Solano Courthouse, after a much needed makeover, is “new” again. The County celebrated with the Courts the rededication of the 29,900 square foot facility in 2014. The building will serve as a fully functional courthouse with three public courtrooms. Built in 1911, the Old Courthouse served the County for decades. Renovations included seismic, infrastructure and cosmetic upgrades.
Protecting Future Generations
In 2014, a long-pending lawsuit regarding lead-based paint was resolved, with Solano County Counsel at the forefront of this victory. Because of this landmark case, children in California are now safer from the harms of lead-based paint in homes.
-innovative services-
Adding the Convenience of Online
The County Clerk’s office has streamlined the process of completing forms online, allowing patrons to complete and submit documentation electronically. The improvement has saved taxpayers more than $70,000 to date, allowing staff to spend time on other projects while giving patrons the convenience of completing forms from the comfort of their own homes.