December – Spirit of GivingEvery parent wants their child to be grateful for what they have and compassionate towards those in need. Teaching your children the spirit of giving by showing them the importance of thinking of others and modeling kindness are important ways to help them grow into productive and loving members of our community.
- Show you child how to be a responsible citizen. Ask a neighbor if you can help with a chore.
- Have your children sort through their old toys and clothing and decide what to donate. Talk to your children about the families that will get enjoyment from the items donated.
- Start young and talk about what it means to be a kind person. When reading bedtime stories ask your child if the characters where nice or mean and explore why.
- Make a food donation bin. Each time you shop at the grocery store have your child pick out a nonperishable item and store it in a visible bin. When the bin is full, take it over to your local food pantry together.
It is important to explain values to your children. A simple explanation of – whenever you are kind, generous, honest, and respectful you make other people feel good. The entire family will also feel good about giving back to others!
Creating a Giving GenerationTeaching Kids to Give as They Receive