Safety Net Supports for Solano County Residents

Many Solano County residents may be facing unexpected unemployment and hardships, maybe even for the first time. Solano County, through the Employment & Eligibility Division, provides safety net services for individuals and families experiencing financial crises. Available supports include benefits for food (called CalFresh or food stamps), medical insurance (called Medi-Cal), cash and other supports for families (called CalWORKs), and cash support for adults without dependents (called General Assistance). These programs are designed to ensure that all individuals and families have resources to meet their basic needs.

•     CalFresh is a program that provides benefits to help households purchase the food they need to stay healthy. The benefits are provided via Electronic Benefits Transmission (EBT) which is accessed by using a card, like a debit card. These cards are accepted at grocery stores, farmers markets and most other stores that sell food.

•     CalWORKs is a program that provides cash assistance and services to families with little or no income. If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing, or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help through CalWORKs.  These benefits are issued via EBT card.

•     Medi-Cal is a health insurance program. This program pays for a variety of medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources.

•     General Assistance provides cash assistance for adults without dependents.  These cash benefits are issued via EBT card.

All Solano County community members, regardless of immigration status, may apply for these programs so that we can assess what supports we can provide. For more information about immigration and these safety net supports, visit
The following are ways to obtain and submit an application:

    1.Online: Apply for these services online at: (all programs) and (CalFresh only) and Covered California™ (medical coverage only).

    2. Phone Call: To request an application be mailed to you call: 1-800-400-6001.

    3. Pick Up / Drop Off Application: Community members may visit our buildings to pick up or drop-off an application in our lobbies, or in the designated drop-off box located outside the building at one of our office locations: 

        • 365 Tuolumne St, Vallejo
        • 275 Beck Ave. Fairfield
        • 1119 E. Monte Vista, Vacaville

    4. Mail: Community members can mail applications to Solano County Health & Social Services Department, PO Box 12000, Vallejo, CA 94590

    5. Fax: Community members can fax applications to Solano County Health & Social Services Department (707) 784-8050.

Applications and verifications will also be accepted to the following email/ e-Fax address:

Applications for these programs require an interview. After an application is submitted, an applicant will be contacted by phone to schedule a phone appointment and interview.

For information about other safety net programs in Solano County, community members can visit For information about unemployment insurance, community members can visit the Employment Development Department website at