Property Tax FAQ
How do I change my mailing address for valuation notices and property tax bills?
To change the mailing address for valuation notices and property tax bills visit the Solano County Assessor's Office to download a Mailing Address Change Request form. You may visit the Assessor's office to hand deliver your completed form, fax your completed form to the Assessor, or you may mail your completed form to the Assessor's office at the mailing address on the form, or by sending an email requesting the change. Assessor Contact Information
How can I lower the property taxes on my home?
Property taxes are based on the assessed value of the home, which is determined by the Solano County Assessor's Office. If the home in question is your primary residence you may qualify for a homeowner's exemption which will reduce your assessed value. Please contact the Solano County Assessor for more information. If you disagree with the assessed value of your home, you have the right to request an informal assessment review for the following tax year by contacting the Solano County Assessor. Assessor Contact Information
What are secured property taxes?
The term "secured" means taxes that are assessed against real property (real estate) - land and/or structures. The tax is a lien that is secured by the land/structure even though no document was officially recorded. The secured tax bill is based on the property's value as of the "Lien Date" - January 1, as determined by the Assessor.
What are supplemental taxes?
"Supplemental" taxes are additional secured taxes that are due when property undergoes a change in ownership or new construction. When a change in ownership or new construction takes place, the Assessor is required to immediately adjust the "Lien Date", January 1, value to reflect the new value of the property. Supplemental tax bills represent the tax due on the difference between the old and new values.

Please be aware that if you have received a supplemental bill, your mortgage company impound account will not pay the bill unless you have made specific arrangements with them to do so. If you have any concerns regarding payment please contact your mortgage company for more information.
It is possible to receive more than one supplemental tax bill. Because the secured property taxes are based on the value as of January 1 and cover the up-coming fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, a purchase or new construction may effect the calculation of taxes for one or two fiscal years. If the change occurs between July and December, one supplemental bill is issued. However, if the change occurs between January and June, two supplemental bills are issued.
For example: if you purchase property in February 2000, your purchase would effect fiscal year 1999-2000 (July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000) for the balance of the fiscal year - February 2000 through June 30, 2000. It would also effect the next fiscal year - 2000-2001 (July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001) because the value for that fiscal year was established and set for the up-coming fiscal year in January, before the purchase in February.
What are unsecured taxes and when are they due?
"Unsecured" taxes are taxes assessed on business equipment and machinery, mobile homes, boats and aircraft, possessory interest, and other interest which are generally not secured by land. These taxes are a lien against the assessed owner of the property, not the property, on the Lien Date - January 1. In accordance with State law, unsecured tax bills are not pro-rated. If the property/interest is sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of after the "Lien Date" responsibility for pro-ration of taxes is between seller and buyer. The tax bill will be issued in the name of the seller.

Unsecured taxes are billed in July and are due no later than August 31. Bills added to the roll after July are due the month following the month billed. If taxes are not paid by the delinquency date, as stated on the bill, lien(s) is/are recorded against the assessed owner of the property, which can and will adversely affect assessee's credit.
When are secured and supplemental taxes due?
Secured tax bills are mailed annually, no later than October 31. You may pay the entire annual tax bill when you pay your first installment or in two equal installments by the dates indicated on the tax bill. The first installment is due on November 1 and if not paid by the close of business on December 10th a 10% penalty attaches. The second installment is due on February 1 and if not paid by the close of business on April 10th a 10% penalty and a $10 cost attach. Bills added to the roll throughout the year due to corrections or escape assessments, etc. must be paid by the dates indicated on the tax bill. (If you itemize your income tax, paying the entire bill in December may be an advantage to you when calculating the deduction on your Federal and State income taxes.)

Supplemental tax bills are mailed throughout the year as events occur, therefore, they may not be due or delinquent at the same time as your annual secured tax bill. Supplemental tax bills are due upon receipt and delinquent on the dates indicated on the tax bill. A 10% penalty attaches to the first installment if not paid by the delinquency date and a 10% penalty and $10 cost attaches to the second installment if not paid by the delinquency date.

(Note: Date and time of delinquency is determined by date and time postmarked.) When the delinquency date falls on a weekend or a legal holiday, you have until the close of business on the next business day to pay without incurring a penalty.
I received a secured and one or two supplemental bills, which do I pay?
The secured and supplemental bills are separate charges and each must be paid on or before the delinquency dates indicated on each bill to avoid penalties.
Who do I make my check payable to and where do I mail it to?
Please make your check payable to:
Charles Lomeli, TTCCC
675 Texas Street Suite 1900
Fairfield, CA 94533
Is a private postage meter date the same as the United States Postal Service postmark?
No. California law requires the Tax Collector to accept the US Postal Service Postmark or an independent delivery service that is an I. R. S. designated service (example: FedEx), when the date shipped can be ascertained via the shipping slip.
Understanding Postmarks for more information
What is a Courtesy Notice?
If you purchase property between approximately October 1 and March 1 you may not receive a tax bill the first year because the tax bill may have been mailed to the former owner. A courtesy notice is mailed to new property owners to advise them of the tax amounts due and the due dates for the current fiscal year secured tax bill.
My mortgage company pays my taxes, why do I get the bill?
The property owner is responsible for insuring that taxes are paid timely. Although mortgage companies and other lending institutions request tax bill information for properties they service which have impound accounts (taxes included in mortgage payment), the Tax Collector is required by law to provide the property owner with detailed information regarding their taxes. Therefore, the property owners will have their tax bill mailed directly to the address of record with the County Assessor and the Mortgage Company will receive the tax bill amounts upon request.

If your tax bill stubs contain a number under the CORTAC heading (example: C5600), a lender/mortgage company has requested tax bill information. However, this is not an indication that they will pay the tax bill, rather that the information was requested. If you are unsure whether or not your mortgage company (lender) will be paying your "secured" tax bill, please contact them directly to verify that they will be paying your tax bill.

Supplemental tax bills are mailed directly to the property owners and are often not included in impound accounts. It is your responsibility to contact your lender to ascertain who will pay the supplemental tax bill.
Can I pay by Credit Card?
Yes! To pay property taxes by credit card, look up the parcel you wish to pay using the Online Tax Information and follow the links as directed. There is a convenience fee for the use of a credit card or electronic check. This fee is charged by a third party to cover the merchant charges associated with providing the service, the County does not receive any revenue from this fee.
Can I make monthly payments to pay my property taxes?
Yes, for Secured property taxes only! Visit Easy Smart Pay to learn how you can make monthly payments to pay your Secured property taxes using a credit card or bank account.
Are there programs to assist me with paying my tax bills?
See Assistance Programs
Who should I contact if I have a question not listed here?
For questions about the tax collection process, tax penalties, or delinquent taxes please contact the Tax Collector's office. Tax Collector Contact Information 
For questions about special assessments, or property tax rates please contact the Solano County Auditor's office. Auditor Contact Information
For questions about supplemental assessments, appraisals, property values, changes in property values, changes in ownership, assessment appeals, changing your mailing address, or filing a homeowners exemption please contact the Solano County Assessor's office. Assessor Contact Information
For questions regarding the income tax deductibility of property taxes, please refer to the State of California Franchise Tax Board and Internal Revenue Service links below:
California Franchise Tax Board Real Estate Tax Deduction Information
Internal Revenue Services Publication 530