If you would like to request voter registration forms for your agency or for outreach to voters, please complete this form. Our staff will contact you within 1 business day.
I declare under penalty of perjury that I will take reasonable steps to ensure that:
· Persons distributing affidavits to potential registrants will show me their ID number and/or driver’s license number for identification purposes and the information will be forwarded upon request to the Registrar of Voters Office.
· Persons distributing affidavits to potential registrants will not neglect or refuse to give a voter registration card to any elector requesting one for the purpose of registering to vote (CA Admin. Code 20001)
· Prior to distribution to prospective registrants, the voter registration cards will not be altered, defaced or changed in any way not specifically authorized by the Secretary of State, and the affidavit portion of the cards will not be marked, stamped, or partially completed by anyone other than an elector unless requested by such elector to assist in completing the affidavit. (CA Admin. Code 20001)
· Persons assisting electors will specifically ask for all required information, including party affiliation.
· Persons assisting electors will not imply that there is a charge for their services.
· All unused registration cards must be returned to the Registrar of Voters upon completion of the distribution plan. (Elections Code 2139)
In compliance with sections 2138 and 18103 of the California Elections Code, I agree to return completed affidavits of registration to the Registrar of Voters within three working days, and I will not deny a voter the right to return to the Registrar of Voters the voter’s own completed affidavit.
Voter Registration Outreach Manual